Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Understanding and Expressing True Love

understanding and expressing true love
Understanding the fundamental mindsets of both the male and female perception of things will allow the very obvious distinctions to become evident. This is clearly depicted in the thought process that clearly defines the woman’s need for love while the man’s needs are primarily different as shown in the prioritized need for respect instead of the lesser valued element of love.

For most people having a relationship that is both respectful of each other’s feelings and the ability to freely express affection would be their prime concern and goal.

Understanding that most people would have to make a conscious effort to create the ideal partnership, ensures all parties involved would try their best to ensure the partnership is built on the most ideal and best elements that would contribute to a strength and longevity of the relationship.

Finding love would require some initial physical and mental contributions on the part of each individual as there would have to be various different elements that would have to seem to be working together in order to ensure the end results would be appealing to the party being wooed.

Understanding that there are no quick fixes and that all parties seeking true love should explore all avenues present would be something worth considering as this will definitely help to lessen the disappointing possibilities as they arise.

Most experts advocate understanding and finding one’s true self before attempting to find the comfort love from an outside force. Learning to be at peace and be filled with happiness without the need for outside accreditation would be a good place to start.

Being comfortable with one’s self and being able to spend time alone and enjoying one’s own company are all things that should be acceptable to the individual before embarking on the quest to include others into the equation.

In order to find true love, the individual should first be able to love themselves for what and whom they are, as this will be very clearly depicted in the way they treat themselves and how they go about their daily life.

Monday, 18 July 2016

NLP Mastery Program

NLP technique is the result of 40 years of study on the experiences of people who have made a difference. The study focused on people who were exceptional performers, who did things others would not think of doing and because of it not only succeeded in realizing their dreams but also had a great impact on others.
NLP teaches you general principles by which you can achieve the things you want in life. These principles when applied consistently and properly result in a change in perspectives. You become more confident and less bothered by emotions; you are able to overcome fears; your thoughts are more directed and focused because you would have shed your negative beliefs and repetitive thoughts; and you become an excellent communicator.
Basically, NLP is really just about managing and training your mind, which really is quite an important skill to have in life, especially when it comes to happiness and success in life.
Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP is one of the most powerful applied psychology system anyone with keen interest in the communication and persuasion fields can do to improve his convincing powers. Knowing exactly how people communicate will enable you to see the real matrix of communication, whether in person, via phone or any other electronic means such as email, texting and online chatting.

Pacing and Leading

Pacing means that you are demonstrating that you have an appreciation of the other person’s reality, which you can do by pointing out things that are undeniable in his current situation.
Leading means grabbing another by the hand and taking him to wherever you want him to go.

The general pattern is as follows:
Pace, Pace, Pace, and Lead. Which later becomes Pace, Pace, Lead, Lead. Eventually it becomes Pace, Lead, Lead, Lead.

Let us say you are a guy who wants to get acquainted with that beautiful girl you see in the mall, how do we apply this principle?
Hi, I know it’s completely random(P), and you probably might think it’s weird(P), as we don’t know each other and all(P), may I please know your name(L)?
The more you get in rapport, the less pacing statements you have to make and you can get away with more leading.

An example would be:
Oh so you are just waiting for a friend (P)? Great! Let’s go sit down over there (L), tell me more about yourself (L), but text your friend so she knows where you’re at (L).

That is just an example and the same pattern can be applied whether for business applications, to resolve family conflicts, getting a better deal on a car etc.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Ted Bundy Handwriting Analysis

Theodore Robert "Ted" Bundy was an American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist and necrophile who assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s and possibly earlier. Shortly before his execution, after more than a decade of denials, he confessed to 30 homicides committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978. The true victim count remains unknown, and could be much higher. Bundy was regarded as handsome and charismatic by his young female victims, traits he exploited to win their trust. He typically approached them in public places, feigning injury or disability, or impersonating an authority figure, before overpowering and assaulting them at more secluded locations.

Handwriting clearly shows deep resentment. It also shows that he had high self esteem and pressure shows he had the energy to end what he started. But he also was brutal, impulsive, close minded and impatient.

Read more in my book Violent Behaviour in Handwriting

Friday, 8 July 2016

How to become a Microexpression Master

Once you meet a person for the first time, you can easily tell whether you like him or not. There may be something in him or in his physical presence that distinguishes the kind of person he is. Many people say it is about intuition, instinct, or “gut feeling” but researchers discovered that there is something beyond it called micro expressions.
Micro Expressions Defined

Microexpression is defined as the brief and involuntary expression of the face shown by humans depending on the emotions experienced. It occurs in various high stakes solutions wherein people have something to gain or lose. They last only a fraction of a second.
Micro expressions also occur when a particular person tries to conceal all the signs of how he feels or when he is not aware of how he feels. These reactions are more difficult to hide, unlike the usual facial expressions. They are expressed in 7 universal emotions which are anger, happiness, contempt, surprise, disgust, sadness, and fear. Seven emotions have universal signals: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, contempt, surprise and happiness.

The face is the best indicator of a person’s emotions. There has been groundbreaking research done on decoding the human face. Also facial expressions are universal. People all over the world make the same face for same emotions. Even those blind since birth, also make the same expressions even though they have never seen other people’s faces.
A person’s face is the sign vehicle or medium which sends a message. When people read a facial expression, they look at separate data and draw conclusions from it. Some of this data are the muscle tone and basic structure. The wrinkles, scarring or weathering of skin may also indicate that changes definitely took place.
With the help of increasing reliability and decreasing whole-body sensing technology cost, there is also an increase in understanding and increase about learning the body expressions as the dominant channel for effective communication. There are issues about the universal aspect affecting the expression, recognition and perception models or the human factors affected like culture.
On the other hand, the artificial adornments like makeup, piercings, tattoos, or eyeglasses can make a personal judgment according to what a person added by his choice. But what provides more information are scowls, smiles, and frowns. These are the changes revealing obvious information regarding somebody else’s immediate intentions or mood. The expression represents the intended message of a person regarding what he wants to convey.
The idea is to distinguish its significance in dealing with the study of body language. Most importantly, it will help you in identifying deception.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Make your voice sound better through breathing exercises

Every young girl or boy dreams of what they would like to do when they’re all grown up and some want to be a renowned singer. Whether you prefer pop, jazz, rock or opera, the basic techniques that every singer must know are always the same. Breathing correctly helps a lot to make your voice sound better.

Breathing exercises

To tackle the first exercise, follow these steps:
Breathe in deeply and allow your stomach to expand outwards as far as you can. Hold the breath for a few seconds. Exhale while pulling your stomach back in. Never overexert yourself by pulling in your stomach too much or trying to expand it too far during this exercise – straining will do you a lot more harm than good.

Your next step will be to work on opening your throat.
To work on your throat:
Open your mouth wide, as though you were yawning. Once your mouth is open far enough, your throat will follow suit. Begin practicing notes from this position – it will take some getting used to, but once you master it you’ll find it will quickly become second nature.

You will need to practice the next exercise on a daily basis for several months in order to change the way you breathe but, eventually, it will become second nature to you.
Lie down on your back on a comfortable mat, a sofa or a bed. If you like, you can do this exercise just before you go to sleep at night, taking a few moments to focus on your breathing and creating a routine for yourself in the process. Place a book or similar heavy object on your stomach. Relax completely and begin to breathe. Actively concentrate on inhaling so that your stomach rises, rather than your chest. You have conscious control over these muscles and can choose to use them at will. Watch the book on your stomach. Once it begins to move up and down with your inhalations and exhalations, you are breathing correctly. Maintain this breathing for several minutes – at least ten breaths, counting to four with each inhale and exhale.

A tried and tested technique for learning to control your breath is to use a candle.
Hold the candle around eight inches from your face and adopt your breathing posture, with your shoulders back and your chest open. Inhale deeply, filling your lungs completely. Exhale slowly, directing your breath towards the flame as you do. The aim is to keep the flame alight, so you will need to exhale very slowly and steadily to cause the flame to bend without actually going out. If the flame starts to flicker, reduce the amount of breath you are exhaling. If it’s not moving at all, increase the level of your exhalation. Keep breathing out until you have exhaled completely, counting the seconds as you do. Repeat the exercise during each of your singing sessions, aiming to slowly increase the amount of time that it takes to let go of your breath every time.

Mastering these exercise will take a while, but don’t be disheartened. Once you have mastered it, you can feel confident that you have control over your voice and will be able to hold your notes during any performance. This will really improve and make your voice sound better.