Monday, 18 July 2016

NLP Mastery Program

NLP technique is the result of 40 years of study on the experiences of people who have made a difference. The study focused on people who were exceptional performers, who did things others would not think of doing and because of it not only succeeded in realizing their dreams but also had a great impact on others.
NLP teaches you general principles by which you can achieve the things you want in life. These principles when applied consistently and properly result in a change in perspectives. You become more confident and less bothered by emotions; you are able to overcome fears; your thoughts are more directed and focused because you would have shed your negative beliefs and repetitive thoughts; and you become an excellent communicator.
Basically, NLP is really just about managing and training your mind, which really is quite an important skill to have in life, especially when it comes to happiness and success in life.
Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP is one of the most powerful applied psychology system anyone with keen interest in the communication and persuasion fields can do to improve his convincing powers. Knowing exactly how people communicate will enable you to see the real matrix of communication, whether in person, via phone or any other electronic means such as email, texting and online chatting.

Pacing and Leading

Pacing means that you are demonstrating that you have an appreciation of the other person’s reality, which you can do by pointing out things that are undeniable in his current situation.
Leading means grabbing another by the hand and taking him to wherever you want him to go.

The general pattern is as follows:
Pace, Pace, Pace, and Lead. Which later becomes Pace, Pace, Lead, Lead. Eventually it becomes Pace, Lead, Lead, Lead.

Let us say you are a guy who wants to get acquainted with that beautiful girl you see in the mall, how do we apply this principle?
Hi, I know it’s completely random(P), and you probably might think it’s weird(P), as we don’t know each other and all(P), may I please know your name(L)?
The more you get in rapport, the less pacing statements you have to make and you can get away with more leading.

An example would be:
Oh so you are just waiting for a friend (P)? Great! Let’s go sit down over there (L), tell me more about yourself (L), but text your friend so she knows where you’re at (L).

That is just an example and the same pattern can be applied whether for business applications, to resolve family conflicts, getting a better deal on a car etc.

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