Friday, 8 July 2016

How to become a Microexpression Master

Once you meet a person for the first time, you can easily tell whether you like him or not. There may be something in him or in his physical presence that distinguishes the kind of person he is. Many people say it is about intuition, instinct, or “gut feeling” but researchers discovered that there is something beyond it called micro expressions.
Micro Expressions Defined

Microexpression is defined as the brief and involuntary expression of the face shown by humans depending on the emotions experienced. It occurs in various high stakes solutions wherein people have something to gain or lose. They last only a fraction of a second.
Micro expressions also occur when a particular person tries to conceal all the signs of how he feels or when he is not aware of how he feels. These reactions are more difficult to hide, unlike the usual facial expressions. They are expressed in 7 universal emotions which are anger, happiness, contempt, surprise, disgust, sadness, and fear. Seven emotions have universal signals: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, contempt, surprise and happiness.

The face is the best indicator of a person’s emotions. There has been groundbreaking research done on decoding the human face. Also facial expressions are universal. People all over the world make the same face for same emotions. Even those blind since birth, also make the same expressions even though they have never seen other people’s faces.
A person’s face is the sign vehicle or medium which sends a message. When people read a facial expression, they look at separate data and draw conclusions from it. Some of this data are the muscle tone and basic structure. The wrinkles, scarring or weathering of skin may also indicate that changes definitely took place.
With the help of increasing reliability and decreasing whole-body sensing technology cost, there is also an increase in understanding and increase about learning the body expressions as the dominant channel for effective communication. There are issues about the universal aspect affecting the expression, recognition and perception models or the human factors affected like culture.
On the other hand, the artificial adornments like makeup, piercings, tattoos, or eyeglasses can make a personal judgment according to what a person added by his choice. But what provides more information are scowls, smiles, and frowns. These are the changes revealing obvious information regarding somebody else’s immediate intentions or mood. The expression represents the intended message of a person regarding what he wants to convey.
The idea is to distinguish its significance in dealing with the study of body language. Most importantly, it will help you in identifying deception.

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